Wednesday 16 December 2009

Task 4: The Pitch

I decided to do a Thriller as it was my favourite out of the genres. I had four ideas for a film, one of which I chose to use as my main idea for my opening sequence. These are my ideas:
1st idea- There is a woman who is drinking in a dark pub on a Friday night; it is raining outside, and quite misty. Through the little light you can see a masked man standing in the shadows. She starts walking home, after saying goodbye to her friends; we can only see her as a silhouette. It becomes clear that the man standing outside the pub, is following her. When she starts walking over a bridge her pace quickens, and she walks under a streetlight in the middle of the bridge, she looks around to see that the man is right behind her. He pounces on her, pushing her to the ground, and starts strangling her. She is pushing, and there is a struggle, but after a few seconds, she falls to the ground dead, and her arm falls into the light. The man takes a step back, and then jumps off the bridge, into the river bellow them. The police investigate the murder, but find nothing on the killer, and after a year of research into the case, the police forget about it, until 7 years later, when there is another murder, almost the exact same, except this time, the woman’s face has fallen into the light!

2nd idea- When Rob (17) is shopping in Asda, looking at the DVDs late at night, the alarms go off, which Rob just thinks is a precaution, so he walks over to the information desk, but before he gets there, a gloved hand covers his face, and the man, who’s hand is holding him pulls him back onto a shelf, places a gun to his head, and says “I’ve got a little request for you, Rob!” He then pushes him outside, and into his car, gags him, and drives off. The police don’t find anything on Rob’s disappearance. Over the next few weeks the polices’ attention is taken away from Rob’s disappearance to bombings all over the West Midlands. Little do they know that the two mysteries are very closely linked!

3rd idea- Jimmy doesn’t live the most of exciting lives. He is in and out of relationships, can’t hold a job for more than a month as he is an alcoholic, and is approaching 30. He finds it hart to pay his rent every month, even though his house is a dump! After being fired one day he goes home, to find a man sitting in the middle of his dark room. The man says to him “Hello Jimmy- would you like me to change your life forever. Jimmy is immediately frightened and asks “how do you know my name?” the man replies, “Ow I know more about you than your name, Jimmy, I know more about you, than you know yourself!” “What do you want with me?” Jimmy asks. Then the man goes in to tell him that he can change his life, and if Jimmy helps him, he will in return help Jimmy. Jimmy listens to him, and eventually agrees to go with him. They go to a big building about 2 hours away, in what seems to be the middle of nowhere. There Jimmy is put into a room with 5 other people, where they are left for about 4 hours. Over the next few days, they go through an “elimination process” until they are left with Jimmy, Carl, and Tricia. Jimmy doesn’t know why he is there, but is being fed, and he wants to change his life. They are then told that Britain is under threat from terrorists, and they have been chosen to save their loved country. Jimmy and his 2 new friends use their different talents to do this, and end up as heroes after risking their lives for Britain. Of course Jimmy’s life changes and he gets together with Tricia.

4th (Main) idea- A mother and daughter find dead body (Rose) in the woods. The police immediately suspect Rose’s ex-boyfriend, Billy. Inspector Richards, who has recently split up from his wife, Harriett, is sure that this case has something to do with the disappearance of Rose’s mother, Julie, 16 years ago. Inspector Richards and his ‘sidekick’, Sergeant Murray interview all the people who may be involved in either of the murders. Rose’s father, Jack has an alibi for his wife’s disappearance, and he had a good relationship with her. Jack gets on very well with Billy and his mother, Stacey, who is his alibi, but surprisingly he never liked Billy and Rose dating. Stacey is seen shouting at Jack after Billy was arrested. The police investigate the case further, trying to piece the puzzle together. Different leads are followed, but nothing comes together. The case starts to get to Inspector Richards as there are many break ups involved in it, and he is still struggling with his divorce. Him and Sergeant Murray, Jo, get closer together, and one night she goes round to his house to discus the case over a bottle of wine, and they start to kiss; but then he pulls away and says, “32, 32, but there were only 31!” He realises that there were only 31 photos in an album from Jack, but there are 32 photos on a film. On this photo he finds out is the evidence that Billy is his son, after he and Stacey had an affair years ago, which is why he killed his wife. He forced Rose to break up with Billy, and she demanded an explanation, she ran off when he has explained everything. He followed her to the woods, where he tried to reason with her, but she said she could never live with a murderer, they got into a fight, and he killed her spontaneously. After Billy was let out of prison, Stacey was arrested for lying to the police, and Jack was given a life sentence for both murders, Inspector Richards and Jo get together.
In the opening sequence I will show shots of the mother and daughter walking their dog in the woods when they discover Rose’s body. I will also show a man running away from the scene.
In this opening sequence it is clear to be a Thriller as we see little bits of a murder story, but we don’t know who the murderer is, or what there motive is, and so there is suspense, and longing to know what has happened and why.

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